Marina Andretta

professora doutora - usp (São Carlos)

departamento de matemática aplicada e estatística - icmc

SME5923 - tópicos em otimização III (pós-graduação) (01/2017)

Seminários do dia 18 de abril (14h, sala 3-012):

- Jeinny: "Optimal clustering of a pair of irregular objects". Bennell, Scheithauer, Stoyan, Romanova, Pankratov. 2015 (parte 1).

- Raínne: "An exact two-dimensional non-guilhotine cutting tree search procedure". Beasley. 1985.

- Valdemar: "A branch & bound algorithm for cutting and packing irregularly shaped pieces". Alvarez-Valdes, Martinez, Tamarit. 2013 (parte 1).

Seminários do dia 20 de abril (16h, sala 3-009):

- Jeinny: "Optimal clustering of a pair of irregular objects". Bennell, Scheithauer, Stoyan, Romanova, Pankratov. 2015 (parte 2).

- Raínne: "Packing different-sized circles into a rectangular container". George, George, Lamar. 1995.

Seminários do dia 25 de abril (14h, sala 3-012):

- Jeinny: "Cutting and packing problems for irregular objects with continuous rotations: mathematical modelling and non-linear optimization". Stoyan, Pankratov, Romanova. 2016 (parte 1).

- Raínne: "New and improved results for packing identical unitary radius circles within triangles, rectangles and strips". Birgin, Gentil. 2010.

- Valdemar: "A branch & bound algorithm for cutting and packing irregularly shaped pieces". Alvarez-Valdes, Martinez, Tamarit. 2013 (parte 2) e "A model-based heuristic for the irregular strip packing problem". Cherri, Carravilla, Toledo. 2016.

Seminários do dia 27 de abril (14h, sala 3-012):

- Jeinny: "Cutting and packing problems for irregular objects with continuous rotations: mathematical modelling and non-linear optimization". Stoyan, Pankratov, Romanova. 2016 (parte 2).

- Raínne: "Solving circle packing problems by global optimization: numerical results and industrial applications". Castillo, Kampas, Pinter. 2008.

- Valdemar: "Irregular Packing Problems: Industrial Applications and New Directions Using Computational Geometry". Gomes. 2013.

Seminários do dia 3 de maio (14h, sala 3-102):

- Jeinny: "Cutting circles and polygons from area-minimizing rectangles". Kallrath. 2009 (parte 1).

- Raínne: "Two-dimensional packing problems: a survey". Lodi, Martello, Monaci. 2002.

- Valdemar: "The Dotted-Board Model: A new MIP model for nesting irregular shapes". Toledo, Carravilla, Ribeiro, Oliveira, Gomes. 2013.

Seminários do dia 4 de maio (16h, sala 3-009):

- Jeinny: "Cutting circles and polygons from area-minimizing rectangles". Kallrath. 2009 (parte 2).

- Raínne: "A Tabu Search Algorithm for the 3D Bin Packing Problem in the Steel Industry". Viegas, Vieira, Henqriques, Sousa. 2015".

- Valdemar: "Robust mixed-integer linear programming models for the irregular strip packing problem". Cherri, Mundim, Andretta, Toledo, Oliveira, Carravilla. 2016.

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última atualização: 24/04/2017