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A list of some mini courses (presentations) ministered in events are showed and data set used are made available. Data set are freely accessible; however, when an author publishes these data or works based on the data, we request that the author cite the datasets within the text of the publication and include a reference to them in your reference list.


1. Mini Course: A introduction to Cognitive Diagnostic Models using the Stan software


63a Reunião Anual da Região Brasileira de Sociedade Internacional de Biometria. De 23 a 25 de Maio de 2018. DEST/UFPR, Curitiba, Parana, Brasil.


Minicurso Uma introdução aos Modelos de Diagnóstico Cognitivo utilizando o software Stan: (In Portugués).



2. Mini Course: Topics in Item Response Models


Programa de Verão em Estatística 2017. ICMC/USP e UFSCar

De 30 de Janeiro a 03 de fevereriro de 2017, ICMC, São Carlos, SP, Brasil.


Minicurso Tópicos em modelos de resposta ao item: (In Portugués)

Material dia 1

Material dia 2,3,4 Use files of Mini Course: Bayesian Approach of Item Response Theory

Dichotomous response: Simulated Data Set under the 2PL model

Dataset: Response pattern of the 2PL are generated by simulation and then 1PL. 2PL and 3PL models are fitted using MML approach. Comparison of the item parameters under this models and comparison between estimates of latent traits

using different methods to 2PL are studied.



3. Mini Course: Regression Models to Dichotomous response

II Congreso Internacional de Estadística. Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT)

De 14 a 16 de octubre de 2015, campus de la UNT, Trujillo, Perú.

Minicurso Modelos de Regressión para respuesta dicotómica: (In Spanish)

Material dia 1

Material dia 2


4. Mini Course: Educational Assessment: Understanding Item Response Theory

67ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência (SBPC) Associação Brasileira de Estatística

De 12 a 18 de julho de 2015, no campus da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), em São Carlos, SP.


Minicurso M4 Avaliação Educacional: Em de resposta ao item (In Portuguese)


Dichotomous response: Proficiency in Math of Peruvian students Example

Dataset: Response pattern obtained by the application of a mathematical test to sixt-grade students of the rural Peruvian elementary schools. 131 students to 14 items qualified as binary responses (correct or incorrect). Data are described in Bazán, J. L, Branco,  M. D. , Bolfarine, H. (2006). A skew item response model. Bayesian Analysis, 1 (2006), pp. 861–892.


Polytomous Response: latent trait in the Attitudes toward Statistics of scholar-teachers Example

Dataset: Response pattern obtained by the application of the Scale of Attitudes toward Statistics  to 146 scholar-teacher from Peru and Spain. Data contain answers of 146 respondent to 25 items using a Lickert scale which are described in Estrada, A., Bazán, J. and Aparicio, A. (2010). Un estudio comparativo de las actitudes hacia la estadística en profesores españoles y peruanos. Unión, 24, 45-56.



5. Mini Course: Bayesian Approach of Item Response Theory

Associação Brasileira de Estatística

21º SINAPE - Simpósio Nacional de Probabilidade e Estatística - 2014

De 20 a 25 de julho de 2014 Hotel Praiamar, Ponta Negra, Natal-RN

Minicurso M4 Enfoque Bayesiano nos modelos de resposta ao item (In Portuguese)


Unidimensional Dichotomous response: Proficiency in Math of Peruvian students Example

Dataset: Response pattern obtained by the application of a mathematical test to fourth-grade students of the rural Peruvian elementary schools. 974 students to 18 items qualified as binary responses (correct or incorrect). Data are described in Bolfarine, H. and Bazán, J. L. (2010).  Bayesian Estimation of the Logistic Positive Exponent IRT model. Journal of Educational Behavioral Statistics, 35,  693-713.


Polytomous Graded Response: latent trait in the Attitudes toward Mobile banking of non-users of this service Example

Dataset: Response pattern obtained by the application of the Scale of Attitudes toward Mobile banking (SATMB)  to 333 non-users of this service gently given by Dr. José A. Mazzon from the Faculdade de Economia, Universidade de Sao Paulo. Data contain answers of 333 respondent to 4 items of the SATMB of   Puschel, Mazzon e Hernandez (2010) which are described in Bazán J., Merino, M. H. and Mazzon, J. A. (2011). Classificação de modelos de resposta ao item policotômicos com aplicação ao marketing. Revista Brasileira de Estatística, 72, 7-39.



Multidimensional Dichotomous response: latent traits in the Beck Depression Inventory of College students Example

Dataset: Response pattern obtained by the application of the Portuguese version of the  Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)  to 1111 college students gently given by Dr. Teng Chei-Tung from the Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo. Data contain answers of 1111 respondent to 21 items of BDI which are described in Fragoso, T. M. and Cúri, M. (2013).



6. Mini Course: Item response models using WinBUGS to Psychometry

Minicurso Modelos de respuesta al Item usando WinBUGS para Psicometría (In Spanish)

Décimocuartas Jornadas en Estadística e Informática.

De 17 a 19 de Octubre de 2007. Guayaquil. Ecuador.




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