Maria Luísa Bambozzi de Oliveira

foto Professora Doutora, MS-3
Applied Mathematics and Statistics Department - SME
Mathematical and Computer Sciences Institute
University of São Paulo


Office: 4-209
Phone: +55 (16) 3373-6716
Fax: +55 (16) 3373-9650

Mailing address:
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada e Estatística
Avenida Trabalhador São-Carlense, 400
Cx. Postal 668 - São Carlos, SP - CEP 13566-590

CV Lattes


Courses 1st Semester 2018

SME0340 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2018103 (Eng. Mecânica)

SME0340 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2018104 (Eng. Mecatrônica)

Previous Semesters

SME0205 - Methods of Numerical Calculus I, Class 2017201 (Matemática (Lic./Bach./Aplicada) - 02/2017)

SME0892 - Numerical Methods for Statistics, Class 2017201 (Estatística - 02/2017)

SME0240 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2017101 (Matemática (Lic./Bach./Aplicada) - 01/2017)

SME0340 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2017103 (Eng. Mecânica - 01/2017)

SME0300 - Numerical Analysis, Class 2016203 (Eng. Elétrica (Automação) - 02/2016)

SME0300 - Numerical Analysis, Class 2016204 (Eng. Produção - 02/2016)

SME0340 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2016103 (Eng. Mecânica - 01/2016)

SME0340 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2016104 (Eng. Mecatrônica - 01/2016)

SME0892 - Numerical Methods for Statistics, Class 2015201 (Estatística - 02/2015)

SME0300 - Numerical Analysis, Class 2015204 (Eng. Produção - 02/2015)

SME0104 - Numerical Analysis, Class 2015102 (BCC-B - 01/2015)

SME0242 - Mathematical Modelling, Class 2015101 (Mat. Aplicada - 01/2015)

SME0300 - Numerical Analysis, Class 2014203 (Física - 02/2014)

SME0340 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2014104 (Eng. Mecânica - 01/2014)

SME0242 - Mathematical Modelling, Class 2014101 (Mat. Aplicada - 01/2014)

SME0253 - Computational Fluid Dynamics II, Class 2013201 (Ênfase - 02/2013)

SME0840 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2013201 (Estatística - 02/2013)

SME0340 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2013102 (Eng. Elétrica, Automação - 01/2013)

SME0242 - Mathematical Modelling, Class 2013101 (Mat. Aplicada - 01/2013)

SME0141 - Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2012201 (BCC-A, 02/2012)

SME0340 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2012101 (Eng. Elétrica, Eletrônica - 01/2012)

SME0242 - Mathematical Modelling, Class 2012101 (Mat. Aplicada, 01/2012)

SME0300 - Numerical Analysis, Class 2011201 (Estatística, 02/2011)

SME0141 - Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2011202 (BCC-B, 02/2011)

SME0340 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2011104 (Eng. Mecânica, 01/2011)

SME0340 - Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2011105 (Eng. Mecatrônica, 01/2011)

SME0300 - Numerical Analysis, Class 2010201 (Estatística, 02/2010)

SME0141 - Lineaer Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations, Class 2010202 (BCC-B, 02/2010)


High-Order Numerical Methods for Compressible Flows

    The numerical study with precision of compressible fluid flow (especially high speed flows with shock waves) demand methods which maintain detailed information of the flow (such as perturbations) and at the same time can capture shocks without artificial oscillation.  The current challenge is to obtain high-order numerical methods which satisfy these conditions.

    A shock wave, numerically, implies in the presence of (almost) discontinuities (or large variations) at some fluid properties.
    Methods such as ENO, WENO, Compact-WENO (hybrid) were developed with these objectives in mind, but require careful application, including an adequate domain discretization.

    Recent studies include the implementation of the Immersed Interface Method (IIM) for high-speed compressible flows (with the presence of shock waves). 

    The IIM requires the position of the shock wave prior to its application. Then, a shock detector must be used.   

Viscoelastic Flows with Heat Transfer in Microchannels

By definition, microchannels are channels with dimensions between 1 micron and 1 millimeter. Incompressible flows in microchannels can be described by regular scale hydrodynamics, even with amplification of the magnitudes of effects. The efficiency in thermal transfer on Newtonian and viscoelastic flows in microchannel nets is analyzed after the implementation of Navier-Stokes equations with heat transfer in the HigFlow system.    

Recent Publications

Published article:
Oliveira, Maria Luísa B. and Pires, Vitor Alves.  "Analysis of a High Order Finite Difference Detector for Discontinuities".  International Journal of Computer Mathematics.
DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2015.1124100

Articles presented in conferences:
Motta, D.; Oliveira, M.; Pagliosa, P.; Nonato, L. G.; Paiva, A. Exploratory segmentation of vector fields using multidimensional projection. In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES, 28. (SIBGRAPI), 2015, Salvador. Proceedings... Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society´s Conference Publishing Services, 2015. On-line.

Other Publications:
Pires, Vitor A., Oliveira, M. L. B. Métodos Híbridos de Alta Ordem para Escoamentos Compressíveis.  In:  XXXV CNMAC - Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 2014, Natal, RN.  Anais do XXXV CNMAC, 2014.(in Portuguese)


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