LATTES CURRICULUM - CNPq (Databank from the Brazilian Ministry of Science & Technology, in Portuguese & English)


BELOW is a LIST of PUBLICATIONS & ARTICLES in PREPARATION.  DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) of each publication is given, enabling to access the journal source.

All my REVIEWED PAPERS can be found in 
MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS matches for P.A. Faria da Veiga .

My data in the ResearcherID is available by CLICKING on  RESEARCHERID matches for P.A. Faria da Veiga .


My data in the ResearchGATE is available by CLICKING on  RESEARCHGATE matches for P.A. Faria da Veiga .

My data in the
INSPIRE, HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS LIBRARY at STANFORD, is available by CLICKING on  INSPIRE matches for P.A. Faria da Veiga .
My data in the GOOGLE SCHOLAR system is available by CLICKING on  GOOGLE SCHOLAR matches for P.A. Faria da Veiga.

On Thermodynamic and Ultraviolet Stability of Yang-Mills
with M. O'Carroll
Letters in Mathematical Physics (2019); pp. 1-8. Submitted.  _DOI_

Generating Functions for Lattice Gauge Models With Scaled Fermions and Bosons
with M. O'Carroll
Ann. Henri Poincaré (2019); pp. 1-30.   _DOI_

On the Energy-Momentum Spectrum and One-Meson Dispersion Curves in (3+1)-Dimensional Strongly Coupled Lattice QCD with Three Flavors
with M. O'Carroll and J.C. Valencia Alvites
Reports on Mathematical Physics 83, issue 2, 207-242 (2019); _DOI_

Scaled Lattice Fermion Fields, Stability Bounds, and Regularity
with M. O'Carroll
 Journal of Mathematical Physics, v. 59, 022301 (2018); pp. 1-28.   _DOI_

One-Baryon Spectrum and Analytical Properties of One-Baryon Dispersion Curves in 3+1 Dimensional Strongly Coupled Lattice QCD With Three Flavors
with M. O'Carroll and J.C. Valencia Alvites
 Journal of Mathematical Physics, v. 57, 032303 (2016), pp. 1-28, 2016.   _DOI_

Stability and Clustering for Lattice Many-Body Quantum Hamiltonians with Multiparticle Potentials
with M. O'Carroll
Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 161, pp. 712-720, 2015.   _DOI_

Analytic Binding Energies for Two-Baryon Bound States in 2+1 Strongly Coupled Lattice QCD WIth Two Flavors
with M. O'Carroll and A. Francisco Neto
Communications in Mathematical Physics, v. 321, pp. 249-282, 2013.   _DOI_

The Low-lying Energy-Momentum Spectrum for the Lattice Four-Fermi Model
with P.H.R. dos Anjos
Journal of Physical Mathematics, v. 3, pp. 1-12, 2011.   _DOI_

On the Absence of Pentaquark States from Dynamics in Strongly Coupled Lattics QCD
with M. O'Carroll, A. Francisco Neto, Petrus H.R. dos Anjos
International Journal of Modern Physics A, v. 26, pp. 71-133, 2011.   _DOI_

Existence of Diproton-like Particles in 3+1 Lattice QCD with Two Flavors and Strong Coupling
with A. Francisco Neto and M. O'Carroll
Physical Review D83, 034506-23, 2011.   _DOI_.

Erratum: Baryon-baryon bound states in strongly coupled lattice QCD [Phys. Rev. D 75, 074503 (2007)]
with M. O Carroll
Physical Review. D82, 079904, 2010.  _DOI_.

Exact Mesonic Eightfold Way From Dynamics and Confinement in Strongly Coupled Lattice QCD
with A. Francisco Neto and M. O'Carroll
Nuclear Physics. B, Proceedings Supplement, v. 186, pp. 117-120, 2009. _DOI_

Exact Dynamical Eightfold Way Baryon Spectrum and Confinement in Strongly Coupled Lattice QCD
with M. O Carroll
International Journal of Modern Physics A, v. 24, pp. 3053-3072, 2009. _DOI_

Dynamical Eightfold Way and Confinement in Strongly Coupled Lattice QCD (PDF File)

with A. Francisco Neto and M. O'Carroll
pp. 1-11. Hadrons07 Conference (XII Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy), Frascati Physics Series, Volume XLVI, 1383-1393 (2007), Frascati, Italy, ISBN 978-88-86409-55-1.   _DOI_

Mesonic Eightfold Way From Dynamics in Strongly Coupled Lattice QCD (PDF File)

with A. Francisco Neto and M. O'Carroll
 Journal of Mathematica Physics 49, 072301 (2008). pp. 1-37.   _DOI_

Dynamical Eightfold Way Mesons in Strongly Coupled Lattice QCD (PDF File)

with A. Francisco Neto and M. O'Carroll
Physical Review D  77, 054503 (2008), pp. 1-10.   _DOI_

with M. O'Carroll.
Physical Review D    75, 074503 (2007) , pp. 1-28.   _DOI_

Baryon-Baryon Bound States From First Principles in $3+1$ Lattice QCD With Two Flavors and Strong Coupling (PDF file)

with M. O'Carroll.
Physics Letters  B 643,  109-114  (2007).   _DOI_

Hadron-Hadron Bound States From First Principles (PDF file)  

with M. O'Carroll.
Proceedings of the Conference Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum 7, Açores, Portugal, September 2006, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 892, 511-514, ed. by J.E.F.T. Ribeiro, 2007, ISBN 978-0-7354-0396-3.   _DOI_

Meson-Meson Bound State in a $2+1$ Lattice QCD Model With Two Flavors and Strong Coupling (PDF file)

with A. Francisco Neto and M. O'Carroll.
Physical Review D    72, 034507 (2005) , pp. 1-18.    _DOI_

Transfer Matrix Spectrum for O(N) High Temperature Lattice Classical Ferromagnetic Spin Systems and Staggering Transformations (PDF file)

with P.R. dos Anjos and M. O'Carroll.
Physica Scripta  71, 329-335  (2005).   

Baryon-Baryon Bound State in a $2+1$ Lattice QCD Model With Two Flavors and Strong Coupling (PDF file)


with M. O'Carroll.
Physical Review D   71, 017503 (2005) , pp. 1-4.   _DOI_

Meson-Meson Bound States in a $(2+1)$-dimensional Strongly Coupled Lattice QCD Model (PDF file)

with A. Francisco Neto and M. O'Carroll.

Physical Review D   69, 097501 (2004) , pp. 1-4.   _DOI_

Existence of Mesons and Mass Splitting in Strongly Coupling Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (PDF file)

with A. Francisco Neto and M. O'Carroll.

Journal of Mathematical Physics   45, 628-641 (2004).

On Baryon-Baryon Bound States in a $(2+1)$-dimensional Lattice QCD (PDF file)


with M. O'Carroll and R. Schor.
 Physical Review D  68, 037501 (2003), pp. 1-4.   _DOI_

Existence of Baryons, Baryon Spectrum and Mass Splitting in Strong Coupling Lattice QCD (PDF file)

with M. O'Carroll and R. Schor.
Communications in Mathematical Physics 245, 383-405 (2004).  _DOI_

Towards a More Complete Understanding of Nuclear Forces (PDF file)

Festschrift for the Eightieth Anniversary of Professor Roberto Aureliano Salmeron,
R. Aldrovandi, José Maria Gago and A. Santoro eds., AIAFEX, Rio de Janeiro, 2003, pp. 405-418, ISBN 85-85806-02-8.

Staggering Transformations and the Excitation Spectrum for Diverse Lattice Quantum Models (DVI, PS, PDF journal files)-Alternative Local Link (PDF File)

with M. O'Carroll.
Electronic Journal of High Energy Physics (2003), pp. 1-21
Proceedings of the Workshop on Integrable Field Theories, Solitons and Duality
IFT-UNESP, São Paulo SP, July 01-06, 2002. 
Organized by L.A. Ferreira, J. F. Gomes e A. Zimerman.  

Understanding Baryons From First Principles (PDF file)

with M. O'Carroll and R. Schor.
 Physical Review D  67, 017501 (2003), pp. 1-4.   _DOI_

Energy-Momentum Spectrum of Some Two-Particle Lattice Schrödinger Hamiltonians (PDF file)

with L. Ioriatti and M. O'Carroll.
Physical Review E  66, 016130 (2002), pp. 1-9.    _DOI_

Nonlocal Interactions and the Excitation Spectrum in Lattice Quantum Scalar Field Models (PDF file)

with M. O'Carroll.
Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen.  35, 4541-4552 (2002).    _DOI_

Excitation Spectrum and Staggering Transformations in Lattice Quantum Models (PDF file)

with M. O'Carroll and R. Schor.
 Physical Review E   66, 027108 (2002), pp. 1-4.   _DOI_

Interband Spectrum of Weakly Coupled Stochastic Lattice Ginzburg-Landau Type Models (PDF file)

with M. O'Carroll and R. Schor.  ABSTRACT
Physical Review E  65, 037102 (2002), pp. 1-3.  _DOI_

Spectral Analysis of Weakly Coupled Stochastic Lattice Landau-Ginzburg Type Models (Postcript file)

with M. O'Carroll, E. Pereira and R. Schor. ABSTRACT
Communications in Mathematical Physics  220 (2001) 2, 377-402,   _DOI_

Perturbative and Constructive Renormalization :  An Overview  (PostScript file)

Lectures Given at the X Summer School "Jorge Andre Swieca", Field Theory and Elementary Particles Session. February 1999, Águas de Lindóia, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, J.C.A. Barata, M. Begalli e R. Rosenfeld eds., pp. 349-385, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore (2000), ISBN-981-02-4254-9. ABSTRACT(ps file) (Some figures appearing in the text are missing in the above linked ps file).

Spectral Properties of Weakly Coupled Landau-Ginzburg Stochastic Models   (Postscript file)

with J.C.A. Barata, E. Pereira and R. Schor. ABSTRACT
Physical Review E  59, Issue 3,  2689-2694 (1999).   _DOI_

On the Large Distance Behavior of Correlations for a Hierarchical N-Component Classical Vector Hierarchical Model in Three Dimensions  (LateX file) -----   (Compressed Zipped File HERE)

with M. O'Carroll and R. Schor. ABSTRACT
Journal of Statistical Physics 92, 47-55 (1998). _DOI_

A Classical Large N Hierarchical Vector Model in Three Dimensions: A Nonzero Fixed Point and Canonical Decay of Correlation Functions  (LateX file) -----  (Compressed Zipped File Here)

with M. O'Carroll and R. Schor. ABSTRACT
Journal of Mathematical Physics 39, 1501-1516 (1998). _DOI_

The (1/N)-Expansion as a Perturbation About the Mean Field Theory: A One-Dimension Fermi Model  (LateX file)

with D.H.U. Marchetti and T.R. Hurd. ABSTRACT
Communications in Mathematical Physics  179, 623-646 (1996).   _DOI_

Mass Generation in a One-Dimensional Fermi Model

with T.R. Hurd and D.H.U. Marchetti.
Constructive Physics: Results in Field Theory, Statistical Mechanics and Condensed Matter Physics, 161-167, V. Rivasseau ed., Lecture Notes in Physics 446, Springer Verlag, New York (NY), 1995.

Existence of the Schwinger Functions of the Three-Dimensional Gross-Neveu Model

Mathematical Physics X (International Association of Mathematical Physics, Leipzig, July 1991)}, 420-422, K. Schmüdgen ed., Springer, New York, (1992).

Construction de Modèles Non-Perturbativement Renormalisables en Théorie Quantique des Champs

Thèse de Doctorat ès Sciences, Spécialité en Physique Théorique, Université de Paris XI, 1-259, (1991).
CPT - Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau. (C. de Calan, supervisor).

Constructing the Three Dimensional Gross-Neveu Model with a Large Number of Flavor Components

with C. de Calan, J.Magnen and R. Sénéor. ABSTRACT
Phys. Rev. Lett.   66, 3233-3236 (1991).   _DOI_

Construction of the Gross-Neveu Model in Three Dimensions

Proceedings of the Conference on Probability Models in Mathematical Physics, Colorado Springs, 37-50, G.Morrow and W. Yang eds., World Scientific, Singapure, (1991).

Campos de Yang-Mills Fields num Volume Finito

Tese de Mestrado, Instituto de Física Teórica, São Paulo, SP, 1-177, (1984).

Pure QCD in a Finite Volume

Proceedings of the National Meeting on Elementary Particle Physics, Itatiaia, RJ, Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 124-125, (1983). 

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